Evan Leybourn
Cofounder and Head of Advocacy & Thought-Leadership
Business Agility Institute
No Matter What the Future Brings
No matter what the future brings.
These 6 words are the heart of business agility - but they are also an invitation. Does your organization have the freedom, flexibility, and resilience to achieve its purpose - no matter what the future brings?
And especially when the future is coming faster than ever before. Your customers are more informed and their expectations are higher than they’ve ever been. Your employees demand more clarity, empowerment, and meaning in their work. And technological innovation is opening new opportunities and ways of working while, at the same time, closing others.
It is only high-performing, adaptable, and agile organizations who will thrive in this unpredictable market. Those that can instinctively seize emerging and unforeseen opportunities for their customers’ benefit.
In this keynote, we will explore the patterns of behavior that make these organizations successful. Through inspirational stories and drawing on insights and research from nearly 2,000 companies, Evan will share the new business capabilities needed for your organization to make the journey from agile teams to business agility.
And, in a world where only uncertainty is certain, these capabilities are vital for achieving your purpose, no matter what the future brings.
Evan is the co-founder of the Business Agility Institute; a fiercely independent research & advocacy organization for the next generation of companies. Companies that are agile, innovative and dynamic - perfectly designed to thrive in today’s unpredictable markets. As the Head of Advocacy and Thought Leadership at BAI - Evan leads research initiatives, collaborates with corporate members on their stickiest business challenges, and shares insights and aha's to accelerate business success - no matter what the future brings.
Evan is also the author of Directing the Agile Organisation (2012) and #noprojects; a culture of continuous value (2018), as well as numerous BAI publications.